Monday, December 19, 2011


Today, we worked on many different projects. First, the kids got chalk with white paint to use on black paper- the colored chalk mixes with the white tempera paint and creates mixed colors and materials on the dark paper.

Then we made wrapping paper for Hannukah gifts: we used brown wrapping paper and potato stamps to print with. I didn't have time to photograph the white printed wrapping paper, because printing sessions are always very fast paced and busy! But I will try to redo them at home, because they are very lovely to use for gifts! The kids then wanted to do more painting with brushes and we added red paint to the white, for "varod"!

And at the end we still had time to do a short clay project.
With pins...

And glitter...

Here is a painting combined with prints and clay!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Here's our playdough recipe again, for some creative time at home, at the kitchen table or art studio, it's always fun:

2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
gradually add warm water (about 1/2cup)
mix a little bit and then put some flour on the table and let the child work with kitchen tools, children's plastic knives, cookie cutters etc.
(use less if you are only with one child, about 1 cup flour)

Yesterday, we made a beach scene from the dough...

We also made collage in a shoe box lid, which makes already a nice frame for hanging.
We used stickers, fabric, magazine pages and glues them with brushes to the cardboard.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


To start off our one hour session, I put pipe cleaners on the table together with foam shapes into which I cut holes. Immediately, the kids started combining the two and I showed them also how to make these little bendable sculptures stand.

Next, I put little mirrors in front of each child. This is the first time I introduced them to the idea of drawing themselves, and the idea is to come back to this project every once in a while to see how each time it develops. Not that I'm in a rush to see realistic paintings; I love their interpretations and am looking forward to each step of it!

Finally, we did necklaces with wooden beads...

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Most children around age 4 are intrigued by drawing shapes- circles, triangles and squares. So, today, I brought in different kinds of rulers for tracing various shapes. Apart from the regular rulers one can buy, we used (scratched) cd's to draw circles. Furthermore, I cut out cardboard (cornflakes box) in moon shapes.
The young artists used pens to draw the outlines and placed their shapes on the paper. Some decided that the shapes should overlap, creating new shapes within. Then, they used watercolor to paint their designs.
This is, by the way, a nice project for home. Give pens/markers and rulers or old cd's, and if you don't use watercolor at home, the kids can draw with crayons.