Today, we started off with gluing colored tissue paper to paper plates. The kids drew a geometric design onto the plates and then crumpled little pieces of tissue paper, dipped them into glue and stuck them onto the plate.
The idea was to cover the whole plate, but after 15 min of gluing they were all satisfied with their creations, and the paper plates weren't covered yet. So we continued onto the next project, which was foil painting. We mixed tempera paint with liquid soap, which makes the paint dry smoother on the foil. They asked for glitter to add onto their shiny paintings!
Then, they came up with their own idea of what they wanted to do. We have done this project in the past, which is tissue painting. You put a piece of tissue onto the paper, brush water onto it and the color from the tissue bleeds onto the paper, which makes a very pretty effect.
It is so exciting to see the kids initiate art projects with their own imagination!