Friday, July 15, 2011


Our summer session group met again this week and the session turned out to be the best example of what process art is and why children are the most creative in this form of working!
Through the process of creating, the kids are free to experiment and discover their world and their capabilities. After a few times that young children are exposed to art materials and techniques, learning problem solving and mostly feeling joy making a mess, they discover how they can manipulate these art materials and they acquire many new skills. It is important for the children to focus on the process, because trying to make something as a finished product can be very frustrating and doesn't allow the child's own discovery and creativity. Instead, it opens up an opportunity for another level of communication: of expressing visually, but also verbally, what they feel and how they can express themselves. Slowly, their art projects start to take shape, as they already know how to use art materials in order to achieve a certain art work.

This week involved working with dough and the children asked to mix it with paint. They added glitter, little sticks and more and more red paint! At another table there were sandboxes to work with -- much sand ended up in the dough. And finally, we tried out tissue spray painting and watercolor.

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