Thursday, November 1, 2012


The beautiful Tel Avivian sunset from last weekend inspired this week's creations (thanks, Anat!). I taped white paper to the work surface so there would be a frame to the paintings when taken off. First, the kids used pencil to sketch their sunsets. Some did with the sea in front, others with fields and trees. Then, they used watercolor to create their sunsets.


When they were finished, I wanted to take the tape off carefully to show them the effect the frame gives to the painting. But, how else, the kids really wanted to take the tape off by themselves! So some edges ripped and tore, but how fun is it for a kid to rip off tape!
The second half of the session was spent with clay. We used long barbeque sticks to create standing sculptures and the younger ones used the sticks to stick into the clay to make 'cakes'.

1 comment:

  1. that is very inspiring indeed. We will redo this on the beach with the next sunset. forever inspired by nature I guess.big Xjes
