Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Yes, we made fossils from coffee dough! This is a great twist to the regular playdough, and smells also very appealing to coffee lovers... the parents!
So here are the ingredients (I am always sorry I don't get to photograph all of the steps, but our activities are just too busy...):
1 cup of used coffee grounds (a lesson in recycling)
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup cold coffee

Mix these all well to get a great dough to play with first. Then make little pressed balls and gently press in leaves, shells, flowers, or any nature items...
I put them in the oven so they could harden, they become like stones.

Here are the half baked through fossils.

Then we decorated take away boxes with collage material, magazine pages, tissue paper, stickers...


And then the parents and grandparents came to pick up their kids, but first wanted to participate in the project!

Ready to go home with a box and fossils!

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