Friday, May 6, 2011


We have a new group with 1.3 to two years old at Sweetpeaz Playgroup!
First, we introduced the concept of collage: the kids are curious about all the materials and tools, they try them out, are surprised by what a sticky contact paper does and try to stick things onto it. They are intrigued by the softness of a feather, by the fun pompons and always by the glitter in the saltshakers! 

Then we made playdough, which the kids can sculpt with easily, since it is very soft. I encourage them to work with their hands first to feel the material. Some like it and others are still a bit sceptical. Then, to further create with the dough, I give them kitchentools like potatomashers, rollers and cookiecutters and they are excited by the shapes they are creating on their own! 

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